RAYflect's Four Elements 1.0 ---------------------------- Thank you for purchasing the Four Elements extension pack. You'll be producing amazing natural images in no time with Earth, Wind, Water, and Fire! Be sure to check out the sample images and scene files on your CD for some examples of the types of effects you can create. The following issues and limitations are not documented in the Four Elements User Guide: * In order to render large terrains as quickly and as efficiently as possible, Four Elements uses an special rendering method optimized for terrains. If you apply a deformer to a terrain or scale it non-proportionally, this method cannot be used, which may result in slower and more memory-intensive rendering. IMPORTANT: If you want to scale a terrain non-proportionally, use the Terrain Size controls provided in the Terrain tab of the Object Properties dialog. Scaling the terrain in this way allows the optimized rendering method to be used. * The Four Elements Earth extension allows you to set separate mesh resolutions for display in the Perspective window and for final rendering. You can change the display mesh resolution at any time, but you should set the render mesh resolution BEFORE you generate your terrain. If you generate a terrain at a low resolution, detail will be lost if you later increase the resolution. * When the Four Elements Wind atmosphere is used, any Background or Backdrop you may have assigned to your scene will not be visible, as it is completely replaced by the atmosphere. * The Four Elements Wind atmosphere is incompatible with the Radical F/X volumetric primitives: Fire, Fog, and Clouds. When the Wind atmosphere is enabled, these primitives will not be rendered. * The Four Elements Sun light source does not produce lens effects (e.g., lens flares) when used with RAYflect's Professional Lens Pack. This is because it is a distant light source. To simulate lens effects caused by the Sun, place a bulb light in between the camera and the Sun specifically to generate the lens effects. * Due to a bug in Ray Dream Studio, the Four Elements sample shaders which use the Global Mix component will not be applied if the "Apply All Channels" option is set in the Shader Editor preferences or the Shader Browser preferences. To apply these shaders, set the preferences to "Apply Non-Empty Channels," or click and hold the Apply button in the Shader Editor or Browser and choose "Apply Non-Empty Channels" from the popup. * Windows NT only: When saving a terrain mesh file, Four Elements creates a temp file in the destination directory which is not completely deleted. The file, which takes up no space on disk, is named '5'. You may delete this file manually without any adverse effects.